Wednesday, July 13, 2016



I am Dr. Maria Kuman. My specialty is Medical Biophysicist and this is my blog. I worked my entire life as a University professor - teaching students and doing research in the field of Holistic Medicine. My education and degrees are from Europe; there is no interdisciplinary specialty, such as Medical Biophysics, in the US.

Through this blog, I will offer you an exciting and mind boggling journey in Holistic Care. You will learn new holistic approaches, which will help you stay healthy or become healthy. You will learn that to be healthy, you need to be happy. I have written almost thirty holistic books, in which I share my experience and my holistic knowledge of modern science and ancient wisdom. The books are published by my publishing company Health and Happiness Books.

Through this blog, I will also offer to you a holistic vision of our ancient history. I have integrated our history with the latest DNA studies and what they found about genetic connections between tribes with study of the glaciers from science and you can see that our ancestors moved not because they were nomadic, as our historians think, but because dramatic changes in climate forced them to move. All this is combined with archeology, anthropology, and ancient texts.

All my books include the research done all over the planet Earth on the subject, include my own research, and compare how the global picture of our contemporary knowledge and understanding fits the ancient knowledge and wisdom. The agreement so far has been spectacular, which gives me the assurance that I have seen right the whole picture, or that my holistic approach is right.

My books are: Delicious Herbal and Folk Remedies (which explains how the herbs cure), Modern Aspects of Ancient Acupuncture (which explains how acupuncture cures and even how homoeopathic remedies work), Yoga - Health Benefits, Science, and Wisdom (which present Yoga as a holistic way of life including Yoga exercises combined with healthy eating and healthy positive thinking), etc. You can see the full list of my Holistic Books in my web page

In this blog, I will post blog stories related to my books. My Holistic Care Blog will start with Ageing Backward story explaining how we can age backward. It will start with flushing the body clean and continue with healthy vegetarian eating and healthy positive thinking combined with Yoga exercises.

In this blog, I will have a holistic story about the pyramids and their secrets - who built them, with what purpose, and when. The new vision is done through the prism of my scientific background of a physicist specialized in nonlinear physics (the newest branch of physics). I have worked nonlinear physics for almost 40 years… The secrets of the pyramids is revealed in my book Mounds and Pyramids – Who Built Them?...

And there will be a lot more blog stories. Just read them as they come. This would widen your horizon and enrich your knowledge on holistic approaches. All this will be done with the purpose to make your body healthy and your life happy. That is why my publishing company is named Health and Happiness Books.

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