Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Is it at all possible to age backward? Yes, it is. Here is my story:
I was 60 years old, when I started having arthritis pain. Every step was a pain and my energy was so low that I couldn’t walk and I couldn’t open a jar. I decided I needed to do something. Is my body already too old to function or it is just congested? My old Honda Civic was with carburetor and when it refused to further drive me, we flushed the carburetor and it started running as new.
What if the health troubles we are starting to have with aging are not because the body is old, but because it is congested? Maybe if I flush my body, the clean body will run as new, just as my old car did after flushing its carburetor. Just think of it: we periodically and regularly flush or change the filters of our cars and houses knowing that if we don’t do this their efficiency would decrease and with time they would stop working. Why we don’t do this to our body? Maybe we should flush our body clean from time to time.
I decided to flush my body and I went looking for the notes I kept when my mother was alive. They were reflecting the wisdom not only of my mother, but also of our ancestors, who were ‘the Medicine People’ for many generations. I found how to cleanse the body and I did it in the way the notes recommended to be done.
After I flushed my body: cleansed my parasites and flushed my gall bladder, liver, and kidneys, my body indeed started running as new. My energy went up, I started running everywhere I go in the way I did 20 years ago. You can read about what I did and how I did it in the last chapter of my book: Delicious Herbal and Folk Remedies.
Fifteen years later, I started having similar problem. My troubles started after eating a lot of cashews during the winter. I could perfectly decide that this is old age and do nothing, but because I believed it is not old body but congested body, I figured it out that my troubles must be from the cashew toxicity.
Cashew is a tree growing in India, and when it blooms, each cashew nut is in the middle of each flower. But the cashew nuts are toxic and they need to be processed for reduction of their toxicity. Obviously, the toxicity is reduced, but not down to zero and eating a lot of cashews brought to me low body energy and painful moving of my arms and legs.
Following the wisdom of my mother, I ate a lot of lemons and oranges, which thin the blood, improve the blood circulation, and help the body flush the toxins out (see my book: Delicious Herbal and Folk Remedies). As I was doing this, I got better - my energy increased and so did my mobility. After I cleansed my body from the toxins, it started running as new. I did a second aging backward.
When doing the cleansing, in both cases I did Yoga exercises. The stretching, which Yoga exercises include and drinking a lot of citrus juices, helped me to get the toxins out of my muscles. By the way, I have written a holistic book,  Yoga - Health Benefits, Wisdom and Science, in which I am emphasizing that Yoga is not only exercises. It includes eating only vegetarian healthy food and thinking only positively. But this would be a subject to another blog story. For all my books see: .

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